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100 Things To Think About For Your Wedding

This list is provided to you courtesy of

Atmosphere Productions, LLC

Connecticut’s Premiere Mobile Disc Jockey Service.

Copyright © 2020, All Rights Reserved

  1. Select an engagement ring.
  2. Talk to your family about the engagement, and encourage their ideas for plans,
    traditional, formal or semiformal.
  3. Contact Clergy, Synagogue, and Justice of the Peace regarding availability for a Wedding Date.
  4. Submit write up of engagement notice to the local newspaper.
  5. Put together a wedding budget. Determine the cost break down.
  6. Discuss the Wedding Guest List numbers and prepare the guest list.
  7. Purchase Bridal Magazines for resource material.
  8. Choose Brides Maid, Matron of Honor, and Flower Girl.
  9. Choose Best Man, Grooms Men and Ring Bearer.
  10. Choose Ushers.
  11. Select color scheme of wedding.
  12. Research Wedding Gown ideas.
  13. Research Groom, Groomsmen and Ushers attire.
  14. Discuss Bridal Gown and Bridal attendant ideas with wedding party.
  15. When choosing Bridal party dresses consider dresses with sleeves,as those without
    are not as pleasing to the eye in a photograph. The eye bounces from arm to face when viewing a photograph.
  16. Determine confirmed guest list numbers for wedding, reception and dance.
  17. Setup firm guest list.
  18. Research location of reception and dance.
  19. Compile information from Hotels and Caterers.
  20. Make firm booking for reception and dance location.
  21. Order Bridal Gown and Bride Maid’s dresses.
  22. Make final arrangements for Groom and Groomsmen attire.
  23. Order Bridal Gown and attendants accessories.
  24. Schedule fittings for Bridal Gown and Brides Maids dresses.
  25. Schedule fittings for Groom and Groomsmen attire.
  26. Attend local Bridal Shows.
  27. Compile information or checklist.
  28. Research marriage classes to attend
  29. Research wedding invitations prices and information.
  30. Order wedding invitations, thank you notes, reply cards,stationery and place cards.
  31. Research bakeries for a wedding cake.
  32. Order wedding cake.
  33. Compile information from florists; include Bouquet, Attendants,Parents, Grandparents,
    Groom, Groomsmen, and locations.
  34. Confirm order with florist.
  35. Compile Wedding Photographer information.
  36. Confirm Booking for Photographer.
  37. Compile information on Videographer.
  38. Confirm Videographer.
  39. Book Atmosphere Productions DJ Service.
  40. Discuss Ceremony music and accompanist.
  41. Confirm Ceremony music and accompanist.
  42. Discuss Ceremony wording and prepare your ideas.
  43. Meet Official who will confirm ceremony.
  44. Confirm china, crystal, flatware, ovenware and register
    patterns with Bridal registry professionals.
  45. Address invitations, envelopes, and place cards.
  46. Discuss honeymoon ideas and prepare budget.
  47. Book holidays at work for honeymoon.
  48. Research Travel information.
  49. Book Travel arrangements.
  50. Sort out passport information if needed.
  51. Discuss vehicle arrangements.
  52. Book vehicles for wedding day.
  53. Discuss vehicle decorations.
  54. Purchase or rent decorations for vehicles.
  55. Discuss wedding decorations for wedding day (Candles, arches, table centers,
    balloons, etc.)
  56. Purchase or rent decorations for wedding day.
  57. Mail wedding invitations.
  58. Shop together for wedding rings or bands.
  59. Select a guest register attendant.
  60. Purchase a wedding guest book and pen.
  61. Purchase a cake cutting knife and decorate.
  62. Precut wedding cake and individual wrap.
  63. Prepare guest hand out gifts.
  64. Shop for Bridal attendant, Groomsmen and Ushers gifts.
  65. Prepare Formal guidelines for Reception
  66. Prepare Bride and Groom’s speeches for reception.
  67. Obtain liquor permit and purchase liquor if required.
  68. Shop for going away outfit.
  69. Shop for honeymoon incidentals, wardrobe, and luggage.
  70. Obtain Travelers checks if needed.
  71. Confirm Honeymoon reservations and details.
  72. Choose musical selections for church and reception
  73. Choose musical selections for first dance and other special dances.
  74. Arrange to get marriage license. Keep in mind it does not take effect until the day
    after issue. It is valid for three months and must be used in that time or a new
    license has to be purchased.
  75. Make appointments for blood test and physicals.
  76. Keep some time flexible in the event of a Bridal Shower.
  77. Send Thank you notes for Bridal shower gifts.
  78. Record and send Thank you notes for wedding gifts as they arrive.
  79. Schedule Wedding Rehearsal time and date.
  80. Discuss wedding rehearsal, Dinner Plans and guest list.
  81. Notify Wedding Rehearsal participants of details.
  82. Finalize guest list. Contact those who have not responded.
  83. Contact Caterer or Hotel with final guest numbers.
  84. Arrange for out of town guest accommodations.
  85. Confirm all Booking arrangements and orders to double-check.
  86. Make Hair appointment.
  87. Make manicure and makeup appointment.
  88. Pickup rings from jeweler.
  89. Change names and addresses on bank accounts and official documents.
  90. Double-check accessories, garter, ring pillow etc.
  91. Pickup Wedding Gown, Brides maids dresses and accessories.
  92. Pickup Groom and Groomsmen attire.
  93. Plan Luncheon with Bride Maids.
  94. Finalize seating arrangements for reception and decoration details.
  95. Finalize ceremony-seating arrangements with Ushers.
  96. Have a Bubble Bath, Facial and good nights sleep.
  98. Have A Bubble bath…
  99. Send Wedding announcement to the newspaper
  100. Send Thank You Notes to all your special people.

Sample Marriage Service Vows

This web page is provided only as an example courtesy of
Atmosphere Productions LLC
Connecticut’s premiere mobile disc jockey service.
Copyright © 2020 Atmosphere-Productions

Please consult with your wedding officiate regarding the actual text that will be used.



Dear family and friends, we are gathered at this hour to witness and take joy in the union of two lives, those of (INSERT BRIDE & GROOM’S NAME). To this moment, they bring the love in their hearts and the dreams in their minds which bind them together. They bring that particular personality and spirit which is uniquely their own and of which will grow the reality of their life together. We are here today to celebrate the friendship, respect, and love which (INSERT BRIDE & GROOMS NAME) have for each other and to give recognition to their decision to accept each other totally and permanently. Into this state of marriage, these two persons come now to be united.



Marriage affords a wonderful opportunity for peace of mind, soul, and happiness. (INSERT BRIDE & GROOM’S NAME), you are about to enter into a union which is most serious. It is most serious, because it will bind you together for life in a relationship so close and so intimate that it will profoundly influence your whole future. As you join in marriage, there is a vast and unknown future before you. That future, with its hopes and disappointments, its successes and its failures, its pleasures and its pains, its joys and sorrows, is hidden from your eyes. And so not knowing what is before you, you take each other in marriage.

On this special occasion, your wedding day, you stand apart from other human beings. You stand within the charmed circle of your own love. This is as it should be for love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.

The possibilities and potentials of your married life are great. Now falls upon you the task of choosing goals, selecting values, and making a reality of your dreams and the dreams of those who have gone before you. In this way, you will find the true meaning of your lives together. Henceforth, you will belong entirely to each other; you will be one in mind, one in heart, and one in affection. And whatever sacrifices you may hereafter be required to make to preserve this mutual life, always make them generously. Sacrifice is difficult and tedious. Only love can make it easy and perfect love can make it a joy. May this love with which you join your hands and hearts today grow deeper and stronger as the years go on and may your life together be happy and complete.

(INSERT BRIDE & GROOM’S NAME), I charge you to be warm and sensitive to each other, to give fully of yourselves, and to save time for each other no matter what demands are made upon you.



Love is
Being happy for the other person when they are happy
Being sad for the person when they are sad
Being together in good times
And being together in bad times
Love is the source of strength

Love is
Being honest with yourself at all times
Being honest with the other person at all times
Telling, listening, respecting the truth, and never pretending
Love is the source of reality

Love is
An understanding that is so complete that you feel as if you are a part of the other person
Accepting the other person just the way they are
And not trying to change them to be something else
Love is the source of unity
Love is
The freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experience with the other person
The growth of one individual alongside of and together with the growth of another individual
Love is the source of success

Love is
The excitement of planning things together
The excitement of doing things together
Love is the source of the future

Love is
The fury of the storm
The calm in the rainbow
Love is the source of passion

Love is
Giving and taking in a daily situation
Being together with each other’s needs and desires
Love is the source of sharing

Love is
Knowing that the other person will always be with you regardless of what happens
Missing the person when they are away but remaining near in heart at all times
Love is the source of security

Love is the source of life

Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous;
Love is never boastful or conceited;
It is never rude or selfish;
It does not take offense and it is not resentful for it keeps no records of wrongs.
Love takes no pleasure in evil but delights in the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.
Love never fails.


Into this sacred union, these two people come now to be joined.

(BRIDE & GROOM now join hands)


Do you, (INSERT GROOM’S NAME), before these witnesses, take (INSERT BRIDE’S NAME), to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, in love and faith, in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?



Do you, (INSERT BRIDE’S NAME), before these witnesses, take (INSERT GROOM’S NAME), to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, in love and faith; in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?




(INSERT GROOM’S NAME), will you repeat after me.

I, (INSERT GROOM’S NAME), take you, (INSERT BRIDE’S NAME), as my wife. I pledge to you my love without any limits, to accept the things you believe in and to always to try to understand you. To trust in your love for me and to experience new beginnings as our love grows through the years. To our life together, with its potential for growth, happiness, and personal fulfillment, I give to you all that I am. I promise to honor, respect, and cherish you forever.



(INSERT BRIDE’S NAME), will you repeat after me.

I, (INSERT BRIDE’S NAME), take you, (INSERT GROOM’S NAME), as my husband. I pledge to you my love without any limits, to accept the things you believe in and to always to try to understand you. To trust in your love for me and to experience new beginnings as our love grows through the years. To our life together, with its potential for growth, happiness, and personal fulfillment, I give to you all that I am. I promise to honor, respect, and cherish you forever.



These two rings is the symbol of the vows here taken; a circle of wholeness; the perfect form. The rings mark the beginning of a journey together filled with wonder, laughter, passion, celebration, and joy. May these two rings glow in the warmth and life which flows to its wearers today.


(takes ring)

(INSERT BRIDE’S NAME), as a sign of my love and affection, I place this ring on your finger. (GROOM places ring on BRIDE’S finger) I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage, fidelity, friendship, and love.


(takes ring):

, as a token of my love and affection, I place this ring on your finger. (BRIDE places ring on GROOM’S finger). I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage, fidelity, and love.



(Turns to audience)

We, who are here present, and those who are absent, thinking of these two people, hope that your life together may be filled with a love that will enable you to accept changes, that your love for each other always has a little more to grow; that love will strengthen you both and rise from you and enter the lives of other; May they continue to love one another forever.

Since (INSERT BRIDE & GROOM’S NAME) have vowed to be loyal and loving toward one another, formalizing in our presence the existence of the bond between them, we bear witness to the ceremony they have performed.

(Turns to BRIDE & GROOM)

By the act of exchanging vows you take unto yourself the relationship of husband and wife and solemnly promise to love, honor, comfort, and cherish each other so long as you both shall live. Therefore, in accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the State of Connecticut, I now declare that you are HUSBAND AND WIFE.

(INSERT GROOM’S NAME), you may now kiss your bride.

Wedding Day Checklist
Planning your wedding with ATMOSPHERE PRODUCTIONS will give you and your guests years of unique memories on this your special day.  We’ve considered every detail, so that you can plan your reception the way you want.Now let’s add the finishing touches with this handy list of items you can’t afford do without, and you will delegate to your wedding party to make sure you don’t forget them. Have a fun-filled worry-free day!
  Antihistamine or other medicine
  Aspirin or other pain relievers
  Baby powder
  Bobby pins and elastic bands
  Breath mints
  Brush, comb, hair spray, gel
  Bug spray or sunscreen
  Cell numbers of all vendors
  Chalk (to cover stains)
  Chap stick and lip gloss
  Club soda
  Cold medicine
  Copies of directions
  Copy of vows
  Cotton balls
  Curling iron
  Duct tape (colored)
  Extra buttons
  Extra earring backs
  Extra pantyhose
  Eye drops
  Feminine hygiene products
  First aid kit
  Flat comfortable shoes
  Hand lotion and sanitizer
  Hem tape
  Iron or steamer
  Lint brush
  Make-up remover
  Masking tape or sewing tape
  Mouth wash
  Nail polish, clear polish, remover
  Nail file
  Phone charger
  Phone number of ALL wedding participants
  Photo checklist
  Safety pins
  Sewing kit that matches bridesmaids colors
  Shoe polish
  Small scissors                                                                     
  Smelling Salts
  Snacks and water
  Static cling spray
  Straws (to avoid lipstick smudges)
  Super glue
  Toothbrush, paste, picks and floss
  Tossing garter
  Upset stomach medicine
  Utility knife
  Wet wipes

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